Three 3 hour blocks (Sat morning, Sat afternoon, Sun morning)
Continous play for the 3 hours.
Three teams (RED, BLUE, YELLOW)
Each team has a base for the entire 3 hours (see maps). The base perimeter is marked by orange stakes with white bands that have red and white caution tape tied to the top of each stake. The home base team can pass freely past these stakes but the opposing teams cannot pass them. Only the home base team is allowed inside the perimeter. Both teams can shoot over the base perimeter.
Field boundaries are marked with yellow caution tape. All players must stay inside the field boundaries. The North boundary is Apple Creek. Do not get into or cross the creek.
At the top of each 3 hour block the teams move to a new base. (so each team will defend each base before the weekend is over)
Each base will have a safe zone, compressed air, water, and porta potty.
Each registered player will receive two smoke grenades.
At the top of each 3 hour block the teams will start out at the center of the field at their designated spots. (see multicolored triangle on map) There is a line of square tote bunkers for each team. Each bunker will be marked with a team color. All players must start out at these designated bunkers at the top of each 3 hour block.
The entire field is in play and scorable throughout the weekend.
Each orange triangle on the map (there are 4 of them) represents a scoring station. Each scoring station will have 3 drums. They will be colored RED,YELLOW, or BLUE representing each team. To score points your team must pop your teams color smoke into your color drum during the last 5 minutes of the scoring session. All 4 scoring station are active throughout the game every 30 minutes on the half hour and top of the hour. CENTER barrels are worth 50 points each time. The barrels near each team base are worth 25 points each time. So the maximum points from smoke is 250 points per hour for each team. Players can throw the smoke to get it in their barrel. It is theoretically possible for all teams to score points if they all get smoke in.
In addition at each base near the smoke scoring station there will be a new target system that we are developing. It will be like a paintball tug of war. Each side can shoot at the target to move it in the opposite direction. These are scored every 30 minutes on the half hour and top of the hour. There will be three of these, one located right outside of each team’s base perimeter, near the Smoke Scoring Stations. If the home team is able to defend their base and push the target towards the opposing teams they will earn 25 points for that 30 minutes. If the target gets pushed towards the home team then BOTH of the opposing teams will be awarded 25 points. All three "Tug of War" scoring stations will be active every 30 minutes on the half hour and at the top of the hour.
At the top of each three hour block there will also be barrels placed at the Center for each team to recover that will be worth points and contain provisions that the players can keep and share with their teammates. You have the entire 3 hours to recover your team’s barrel and return it to your safe zone to receive the points.
At the top of each three hour block for the first 5 minutes of play each team will have the ability to earn an advantage called “JUGGERNAUT” that they can use on their opponents later in the game. You can achieve this by getting smoke in your color barrel during the first 5 minutes of play.
Each team that gets smoke in their barrel will be awarded the JUGGERNAUT packet that will consist of a black smoke WP40 grenade, a shield, and instructions. To deploy JUGGERNAUT mode the player holding the shield will activate the smoke grenade and attach it to the shield. As long as the grenade is emitting smoke they are immortal. Other players can hide behind the JUGGERNAUT but if they are hit they are out. The JUGGERNAUT cannot be killed while smoke is being emitted (approximately 90 seconds). They can still be shot, but they do not have to go out. The person chosen to be the JUGGERNAUT should be prepared and willing to get shot a lot.
NOTE: The game is designed to have 3 independent teams. There will be times that 2 teams will both be attacking another teams base to achieve the slider points, this is fine. However, if it is obvious to Joe and the referees that 2 teams have joined forces to crush the 3rd team consistently then measures will be taken to reinstate fairness. This may include but not limited to moving each attacking teams reinsertion cones back farther.
In addition there will be a squad designated as EQUALIZERS that will be pulled off of whatever team they are on and will be moved to whatever team is down the most in points. This will be done throughout the weekend to keep the game play flowing and keep things interesting.
SMOKE Reinsertion Rules:
If a paintball hits you and it breaks you are eliminated from active play.
There are several options for reinserting into active play after having been hit with a paintball during the game.
If you are inside your base's boundary when you get eliminated: you can tag up with your netted safe zone that is inside your base area.
If you are outside of your base area: you have several options.
UNIVERSAL reinsertion cones: Orange cone with a white flag sticking out of it. These are located along the field boundaries in between each team's base camps. There are three of them. To use them, tag the cone. You are not an active player again until you reach another player from your team who is still an active player. Keep your gun up with barrel wrap on until you reach an active player from your team. You cannot tag a white flagged reinsertion cone and go right into active play. Any player from any team can utilize the white flagged reinsertion cone. Location of the white flagged reinsertion cones will not change and their locations are indicated on the maps by the white triangles.
TEAM reinsertion cones: Each team will have an orange cone with their team's color flag sticking out of it. You can only utilize the reinsertion cone that matches your team's color. This cone will start out at your base's safe zone. Once the game starts, each team's Primary can designate where the cone should be moved. It can be moved anywhere on the field as long as it is not within 150 feet of any team's base boundary, scoring station, or another reinsertion cone. Your team reinsertion cone can be moved as often as you want. However, you cannot use it as a way to advance into a new area. Once you control an area of the field, you can then move the cone into that area.
Your base area: If you are eliminated outside of your base area and there is no active fighting near your base (good rule of thumb ~100 feet), you can simply cross into your base boundary area and become active for play again. HOWEVER, if there is active fighting near that part of your boundary area you MUST go all the way up to your netted safe zone to reinsert into active play.
NOTE: The spirit of these rules is to take a player who has been shot with a paintball out of play just long enough that the opposing team can benefit from eliminating the player, but not make the eliminated player have to walk so far that they are exhausted after doing it. We provide several options so that you don’t have to spend all day walking when you get shot. Please honor the rules set out here and don’t try to cheat the system. Let’s all play fair.