Monte Cassino is a 2 day paintball scenario game based on the historic WWII battles of Anzio and Monte Cassino. Our style of play is different than that of most other big games. Our fields definitely have an "Old School Vibe." The game is broken up into three 3 hour blocks of time. These take place Sat morning, Sat afternoon, and Sunday morning. There are primary missions every hour that involve holding the flag for that particular hour. At the end of the hour the game flows to the next area of the field to battle over the next flag. The game is continuous for each 3 hour segment, even after the horn blows to signal the end of that hour and the scoring of the flag you can still get shot. It is a live game for the whole 3 hours. One area where our field differs from other big games is that we force flow of the battle across the fields to each flag by utilizing our reinsertion cones. These are large orange cones with a red or blue flag inserted in them. Once you are hit you can go to your teams cone touch up and come back in. With the exception of the first hour where we do timed boat drops, the whole game is continuous reinsertion. This means if you get shot you just touch your teams reinsert cone and you can come back into the game. Every hour as the primary flag location changes we also move the insertion cones. Each teams cone is placed an equal distance from the active flag. This keeps the game from stagnating and ensures new and exciting battles every hour. In addition to the primary flag missions there are many secondary missions given out each hour. These are given to each general and they will send out specific squads to try to accomplish their objectives.
The game starts out at Anzio beach where the Allies start out in our replica Higgins boats. The Axis start out at the flag station. For this first hour we do timed insertions with the front of the boats dropping and the Allies hitting the beach in waves. This makes for some very intense battles throughout the hour.
We have on field 4500 HPA fills. No walking back up to base camp! We have enough compressors and fill stations to have setups at every single safe zone. The extra charge to you for this is exactly ZERO dollars. It's included in the price of admission.
We have 106 acres with 60-80 of it being played depending on which event you are attending. We have around 8 acres of camping split up between our normal campgrounds and our 2 acre quiet campgrounds. Camping is FREE. Firewood is provided for FREE. AND we have awesome showers at the campsite with hot water for FREE.
NOTE: Your registration is like a concert ticket. Once you've paid it's nonrefundable. If you don't show up to the event you are forfeiting it. You can transfer it to another player before the event. It is not transferrable to future events. Paint must be purchased from PaintballToGo for each event. Each event is field event paint only. No outside paint or smoke is allowed. Once paint leaves our property it is considered outside paint. We have no control over how it would be stored or taken care of. We get fresh paint in for each event. We cannot have people bringing in old paint that may have been improperly stored and/or be old. If you do not attend the event you have 30 days to pick up any paint or other merchandise you purchased with your registration.
The game starts out at Anzio beach where the Allies start out in our replica Higgins boats. The Axis start out at the flag station. For this first hour we do timed insertions with the front of the boats dropping and the Allies hitting the beach in waves. This makes for some very intense battles throughout the hour.
We have on field 4500 HPA fills. No walking back up to base camp! We have enough compressors and fill stations to have setups at every single safe zone. The extra charge to you for this is exactly ZERO dollars. It's included in the price of admission.
We have 106 acres with 60-80 of it being played depending on which event you are attending. We have around 8 acres of camping split up between our normal campgrounds and our 2 acre quiet campgrounds. Camping is FREE. Firewood is provided for FREE. AND we have awesome showers at the campsite with hot water for FREE.
NOTE: Your registration is like a concert ticket. Once you've paid it's nonrefundable. If you don't show up to the event you are forfeiting it. You can transfer it to another player before the event. It is not transferrable to future events. Paint must be purchased from PaintballToGo for each event. Each event is field event paint only. No outside paint or smoke is allowed. Once paint leaves our property it is considered outside paint. We have no control over how it would be stored or taken care of. We get fresh paint in for each event. We cannot have people bringing in old paint that may have been improperly stored and/or be old. If you do not attend the event you have 30 days to pick up any paint or other merchandise you purchased with your registration.